How was the race in Hella, are you pleased with you results?
– It was amazing…I was thrilled and suprised myself and i know now that I could have done something different, but HEY, it was my first time
I think you did a pretty good job. It was your first race and you stayed close to the other drivers. I mean your points in each track and total scores
– Yes…it was close and I understand that it was pretty good for a beginner in this sport.
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]
Where there any track that was more differcult?
– Well the 3rd track was impossible to finish….and the mud track was just to much for HULK
Did your car have any breakdowns during the race or did you just fill up gasoline?
– We only filled up on gas
Will you continue driving?
– Yes…at least next race at Akranes in june 11th[/ezcol_1half_end]
[ezcol_1half]What will be your goals for this season?
– It would be fun getting better scores, but it will again be about having fun and show my kids that they have the coolest mom, lol
What happens now in your team, are you doing anything with HULK?
– We are repairing brakes and trying to get the engine to run smoother.
How is the car to drive?
– Do you mean how it is driving it? good or bad?[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]
Yes, Is it differcult/easy to handle, hard to stear, qiuck response?
– OK, so this is the first and only offroad truck I drive, so I have no compares. But I think it is to “heavy” too steer, but once I got use to it, it was all good. Now I just wanna learn how I can stear it better and quicker.
I am convinced that you will be a very good driver when you have driven a couple of kilometers
– Thank you….I gonna try, that’s for sure
[ezcol_2third][/ezcol_2third] [ezcol_1third_end]Kata G. Magnúsdóttir – Hulk, Icelandic Championship, Hella 2016! [/ezcol_1third_end]