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Jaxlinn is one of the most famous off road cars, is now in a rebuild. This was winner of the 1992 Milk cup nationals
The building of “Jaxlinn” is moving forward. Right now we are bouncing ideas around and not thinking so much about competition. We have front and back jacks and they are allready adjusted. Jaxlinn will move fast in competition and we can stear it in front and in the back, either combined or seperated like before. Jaxlinn has independed adjustible suspension. The engine has a methanol injection, alky twin turbo, 1070 hp and was dynotested in England 2 years ago.
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Tires are Bigger Digger paddles. Transmission is TH400 with explosion-proof house. Transfer case 208. Welded Dana 50 in the front with 9 inch gears in front and rear housings and 9″ N-Carrier Strange in the back with a spooler. Axels are 35 reel cromecast, with RCV balljoints, 3 in every housing built by Ólafur Leóson at Ljónsstaðir. The best Icelandic four wheeler Olafur Leoson has been the main designer. This car is very special because of its independence of suspension and four wheel steering.[/ezcol_1half_end]
Whats up dude? Are you a driver or a team member, contact us and let us know.